Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New to eBay

Item# 7413702816

This is a painting I just posted on eBay. It was inspired by my little daughter. Thank you for looking.. Lisa B


sarah said...

Love this, Lisa!! The colours are gorgeous!

Lisa said...

Thank you Sarah

Cerridwyn's Cauldron said...

I love the doll and REALLY love this painting! I bet it'd look great in my mom's house - in fact, most of the work I saw on the ESTY site would look great in her house LOL (the dragonfly one would look better in mine ;) LOL)

Mab said...


You're wrong. The dragonfly one would look better in my house. *nodding persuasively*


Pixie said...

I like this painting! In a different post you mention a "nubblefeast" -- what's that?

Lisa said...

Thank you all for the wonderful comments!
Pixie, nibble fest is a contest on eBay. You create your art, put it up for auction for .99 and put NFAC in the title, then the winner is the person with the most bids. If you win you get a cool logo to go on your auction. Check it out: http://groups.ebay.com/forum.jspa?forumID=7914